
List of What Makes a Good Teacher - created by students

March 19, 2012 By: David Andrade 
(Source: http://www.techlearning.com/Default.aspx?tabid=67&EntryId=4009)

This "what makes a good teacher" was created by a group of high school students.
  • treat students with respect
  • be enthusiastic
  • know your stuff
  • be available for extra help
  • use multimedia resources and multiple resources for students
  • connect with students/ form relationships
  • interact with students- outside school activities, talk about their personal lives
  • real life connections to materials/class
  • just talk to students and get to know them in first few days
  • if using PowerPoint, use less words and have slides available for download
  • don't lecture for whole class, mix things up
  • use games for review
  • let students use a note card for test or some kind of reference
  • realistic homework - if you assign too much, students won't do it, or won't be able to
  • science classes - problems and projects and labs
  • give students multiple days to complete homework - allows for issues in schedule, sports, etc.
  • don't give all class rules at once - overwhelms students - just touch on main points
  • use web resources - class site or blog, and review materials students can access at home
  • let students do work on board and explain how to do it instead of teacher always doing it
  • projects - one big one per marking period with some class time for them
  • let students pick project groups - easier for meeting outside of school
  • be flexible - reschedule test if lots of tests on same day or other things going on

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